- Falxuplication, a Novel Method for Wrap-Clipping a Fusiform Aneurysm: Technical Note. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jan; 109:40-46. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.09.059. Epub 2017 Sep 20. PubMed PMID: 28939539. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Rare Concurrent Retroclival and Pan-Spinal Subdural Empyema: Review of Literature with an Uncommon Illustrative Case. World Neurosurg. 2017 Nov 23. pii: S1878-8750(17)32005-3. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.11.082. Review. PubMed PMID: 29174228. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Cranial Osteomyelitis: A Comprehensive Review of Modern Therapies. World Neurosurg. 2017 Dec 15. pii: S1878-8750(17)32182-4. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.12.066. Review. PubMed PMID: 29253689. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Subarachnoid Trabeculae: A comprehensive review of their embryology, histology, morphology and surgical significance. World Neurosurg. 2017 Dec 18. pii: S1878-8750(17)32157-5. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2017.12.041. Review. PubMed PMID: 29269062. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Planum sphenoidale and Tuberculum sellae Meningiomas: Technical note on modern surgical technique with outcome and proposal of a new classification system. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Resection of deep brain stem lesion: Evolution of modern surgical techniques. (Download PDF)
- Presentation at University of Alabama at Birmingham, Gallbraith Annual Meeting, November 6th, 2015. Resection of Deep Brain Stem Cavernous Malformations: Technical Nuances.
- Presentation at G20 world Mapping meeting: Turkey, Nov 13-15th, 2015: Modern Technical Nuances for Resection of Deep Brain Stem Lesions.
- Presentation at World Federation of Neurological Surgeons, April 2016: Modern Technical Nuances for Resection of Brain Stem Lesions.
- Presentation at 13th World Congress of Society of Brain Mapping and Lecture- Therapeutics (SBMT), Miami, March 7, 2016: Modern Concepts for Resection of Deep Brain Stem Lesions through Safe Entry Zones: A critical review of the literature.
- Mapping the internal anatomy of the lateral brain stem: Anatomical study with application to far lateral approaches to intrinsic brain tumor. (Download PDF)
- Hypertonic saline for treating raised intracranial pressure: literature review with meta-analysis: A review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Presentation at Galbraith Annual Meeting, University of Alabama, Nov 2011: Hypertonic Saline for treatment if increased intracranial pressure.
- Vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations: critical analysis of the literature with proposal of a new classification system: A review (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Presentation at American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Pediatric. Annual Meeting Toronto, Dec 2014: Vein of Galen Malformations: Proposal of a New Classification System.
- Presentation at University of Alabama. May 2012. Alabama. Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformations: Proposal of a New Classification System.
- The Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery on Long-term Clinical Outcome Part I: Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage.
(Download PDF) (Citations) - The Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery on Long-term Clinical Outcome Part II: The Patient who is Electively Clipped. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Presentation at Congress of Neurological Surgeons in October 2011: Does Clamping Time Effect Outcome in Elective Aneurysms?
- Presentation at Congress of Neurological Surgeons in October 2011: Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Aneurysm Surgery in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients.
- Clipopexy: An Anchoring Technique to Avoid Compression of Adjacent Neurovascular Structures by Aneurysm Clip: Report of Two Cases (Download PDF)
- Presentation at Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Oct 2011: Cerebral Proliferative Angiopathy: A New Entity.
- Presentation at 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Falxuplication: A novel method of wrap clipping of fusiform anterior cerebral artery aneurysm.
- The Artery of Percheron: An Anatomical Study (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Arteriovenous malformation of the conus supplied by the artery of Desproges-Gotteron: Case report (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Two Unusual Cases of the Posterior Cranial Fossa Blood Supply (Download PDF)
- Long-term control of large pontine arteriovenous malformation using gamma knife therapy: a review with illustrative case (Download PDF) (Citations)
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- The fallopian canal: a comprehensive review and proposal of a new classification (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Persistent fetal intracranial arteries: a comprehensive review of anatomical and clinical significance: A review (Download PDF)(Citations)
- The intracranial bridging veins: a comprehensive review of their history, anatomy, histology, pathology, and neurosurgical implications (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Cavum velum interpositum, cavum septum pellucidum, and cavum vergae: a review (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Anatomy and pathology of the cranial emissary veins: a review with surgical implications (Download PDF) (Citations)
- External landmarks for identifying the drainage site of the vein of Labbe: application to neurosurgical procedures (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Presentation at North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2012: External Landmarks for Identifying the Drainage Site of the Vein of Labbé: Application to Neurosurgical Procedures.
- The relationship between the superior petrosal sinus and the porus trigeminus: an anatomical study: Laboratory investigation (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Dorello canal revisited: an observation that potentially explains the frequency of abducens nerve injury after head injury (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Modified Skin Incision for Avoiding Regional Neurovascular Structures during Retrosigmoid Craniotomy: a Cadaveric Study with Application to Postoperative Neuralgia.
(Download PDF) - Persistence of the otic artery with neurological sequelae: case report (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Neural Interconnections Between Portio Minor and Portio Major at the Porus Trigeminus (Download PDF)
- The inferior petrosal sinus: a comprehensive review with emphasis on clinical implications (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Presentation at North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2012: The Relationship Between The Superior Petrosal Sinus and Meckel’s Cave. An Anatomical Study.
- The Artery of Davidoff and Schechter: An Anatomical Study (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Presentation at North American Skull Base Society. Feb 2012. The Artery of Davidoff and Schechter: An Anatomical Study.
- Anatomical variations and neurosurgical significance of Liliequist’s membrane. (Download PDF) (Citation)
- Relationship between the pituitary stalk angle in prefixed, normal, and postfixed optic chiasmata: an anatomic study with microsurgical application (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Identification of a new segment of the trochlear nerve (Download PDF)
- Intraoperative and anatomical descriptions of intracranial connections between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves: clinical implications: Laboratory investigation (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Do grossly identifiable ganglia lie along the spinal accessory nerve? A gross and histologic study with potential neurosurgical significance (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Lateral cephaloceles: case-based update (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Ligaments of the craniocervical junction: A review (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Morphometry of the outlet of the foramen magnum in crania with atlantooccipital fusion: Laboratory investigation (Download PDF)(Citations)
- The choroid plexus: a comprehensive review of its history, anatomy, function, histology, embryology, and surgical considerations (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Erratum to: The choroid plexus: a comprehensive review of its history, anatomy, function, histology, embryology, and surgical considerations (Download PDF)
- The ventricular system of the brain: a comprehensive review of its history, anatomy, histology, embryology, and surgical considerations (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Transumbilical approach for ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement in infants and small children: a 6-year experience (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Lenz-Majewski Syndrome Associated with Hydrocephalus and Multiple Congenital Malformations (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Harvest of Autologous Clavipectoral Fascia for Use in Duraplasty: Cadaveric Feasibility Study (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Cellular and Paracellular transplants for spinal cord injury: a review of the literature.Mortazavi MM, Verma K, Tubbs RS, Theodore N. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Feb; 27(2):237-43. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Feb;27(2):237-43. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1312-x. Epub 2010 Oct 23. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Chemical priming for spinal cord injury: a review of the literature. Part I-factors involved. Mortazavi MM, Verma K, Deep A, Esfahani FB, Pritchard PR, Tubbs RS, Theodore N. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Aug;27(8):1297-306. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1364-y. Epub 2010 Dec 18. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Chemical priming for spinal cord injury: a review of the literature part II-potential therapeutics. Mortazavi MM, Verma K, Deep A, Esfahani FB, Pritchard PR, Tubbs RS, Theodore N. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Aug;27(8):1307-16. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1365-x. Epub 2010 Dec 21. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Pediatric multilevel spine injuries: an institutional experience. Mortazavi MM, Dogan S, Civelek E, Tubbs RS, Theodore N, Rekate HL, Sonntag VK. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Jul; 27(7):1095-100. 2010 Nov 26. Pub Med PMID: 21110031. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Pediatric cervical spine injuries: a comprehensive review. Mortazavi MM, Gore PA, Chang S, Tubbs RS, Theodore N. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 May;27(5):705-17. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1342-4. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Absence of MRI soft tissue abnormalities in severe spinal cord injury in children: case-based update. Mortazavi MM, Mariwalla NR, Horn EM, Tubbs RS, Theodore N.Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Sep;27(9):1369-73. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1472-3. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Pediatric traumatic carotid, vertebral and cerebral artery dissections: a review. Mortazavi MM, Verma K, Tubbs RS, Harrigan M. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Dec;27(12):2045-56. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1409-x. Epub 2011 Feb 12. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The first description of Chiari I malformation with intuitive correlation between tonsillar ectopia and syringomyelia. Mortazavi MM, Tubbs RS, Brockerhoff MA, Loukas M, Oakes WJ. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2011 Mar;7(3):257-60. doi: 10.3171/2010.12.PEDS10579. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The first posterior fossa decompression for Chiari malformation: the contributions of Cornelis Joachimus van Houweninge Graftdijk and a review of the infancy of “Chiari decompression”. Mortazavi MM, Tubbs RS, Hankinson TC, Pugh JA, Cohen-Gadol AA, Oakes WJ. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Nov;27(11):1851-6. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1421-1. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Chronic emesis due to compression of the area postrema by the posterior inferior cerebellar artery: resolution following microvascular decompression. Mortazavi MM, Tubbs RS, Harmon D, Oakes WJ. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2010 Dec; 6(6):583-5. Pub Med PMID: 21121735. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Charles Prosper Ollivier d’Angers (1796-1845) and his contributions to defining syringomyelia. Mortazavi MM, Rompala OJ, Verma K, Tubbs I, Tubbs RS, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Dec;27(12):2155-8. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1416-y. Epub 2011 Mar 10. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Hypertonic Saline for treatment of raised intracranial pressure: A review with meta-analysis. Mortazavi MM, Romeo AK, Deep A, Griessenauer CJ, Shoja MM, Tubbs RS, Fisher W. J Neurosurg. 2012 Jan;116(1):210-21. doi: 10.3171/2011.7.JNS102142. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Kenneth Jamieson (1925-1976): His life and contributions to neurosurgery. Mortazavi MM, Deep A, Tubbs RS, Fisher W. J Neurosurg. 2012 Feb;116(2):460-4. doi: 10.3171/2011.9.JNS11879. (Download PDF)
- Cruveilhier plexus: an anatomical study and a potential cause of failed treatment for occipital neuralgia and muscular and facet denervation procedures. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, D’Antoni AV, Shoja MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg. 2011 Nov;115(5):929-33. doi: 10.3171/2011.5.JNS102058. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Contralateral spinal accessory nerve for ipsilateral neurotization of branches of the brachial plexus: a cadaveric feasibility study.Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg. 2011 Jun;114(6):1538-40. 2011 Mar 4. Pub Med PMID: 21375378. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Intraoperative and anatomical descriptions of intracranial connections between the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves: clinical implications. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, Shoja MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg. 2011 Jul;115(1):179-81. 2011 Mar 11. Pub Med PMID: 21395388. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Anatomical study of the third occipital nerve and its potential role in occipital headache/neck pain following midline dissections of the craniocervical junction. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, D’Antoni AV, Shoja MM, Chern JJ, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 Jul; 15(1):71-5. 2011 Apr 15. Pub Med PMID: 21495817. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Arteriovenous malformation of the conus supplied by the artery of Desproges-Gotteron. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Denardo AJ, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 Apr;14(4):529-31. doi: 10.3171/2010.11.SPINE10726. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The intracranial denticulate ligament: anatomical study with neurosurgical significance. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, Shoja MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg. 2011 Feb;114(2):454-7. doi: 10.3171/2010.9.JNS10883. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The bishop and anatomist Niels Stensen (1638-1686) and his contributions to our early understanding of the brain. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Jan;27(1):1-6. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1236-5. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Maister Peter Lowe and His 16th Century Contributions to Cranial Surgery. Tubbs RS, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol AA. Neurosurgery. 2012 Feb;70(2):259-63; discussion 263. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e318232328c. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Persistence of the otic artery with neurological sequelae: case report. Shane Tubbs R, Mortazavi MM, Dinardo AJ, Cohen-Gadol AA. Surg Radiol Anat. 2012 Mar;34(2):191-3. doi: 10.1007/s00276-011-0853-3. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Spinal cord ischemia and atherosclerosis: a review of the literature. Tubbs RS, Blouir MC, Romeo AK, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. Br J Neurosurg. 2011 Dec;25(6):666-70. doi: 10.3109/02688697.2011.578774. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Cavum velum interpositum, cavum septum pellucidum, and Cavum vergae: a review. Tubbs RS, Krishnamurthy S, Verma K, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Nov;27(11):1927-30. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1457-2. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772): pioneer of neuroanatomy. Tubbs RS, Riech S, Verma K, Loukas M, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol A. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Aug;27(8):1353-5. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1422-0. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Morphometry of the outlet of the foramen magnum in crania With atlantooccipital fusion. Tubbs RS, Lancaster JR, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Chern JJ, Loukas M, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 Jul;15(1):55-9. doi:10.3171/2011.3.SPINE10828. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- China’s first surgeon: Hua Tuo (c. 108-208 AD). Tubbs RS, Riech S, Verma K, Chern J, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Sep;27(9):1357-60. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1423-z. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Felix Vicq d’Azyr (1746-1794): early founder of neuroanatomy and royal French physician. Tubbs RS, Loukas M, Shoja MM, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Jul;27(7):1031-4. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1424-y. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Ligaments of the craniocervical junction. Tubbs RS, Hallock JD, Radcliff V, Naftel RP, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M,Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg Spine. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 Jun;14(6):697-709. doi: 10.3171/2011.1.SPINE10612. Review. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Study of the cervical plexus innervation of the trapezius muscle. Tubbs RS, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Lancaster J, Mortazavi MM, Hattab EM, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg Spine. 2011 May;14(5):626-9. doi: 10.3171/2011.1.SPINE10717. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Hieronymus Brunschwig (c. 1450-1513): his life and contributions to surgery. Tubbs RS, Bosmia AN, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, Shoja M, Cohen Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Apr;28(4):629-32. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1417-x. Epub 2011 Mar 9. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Tatsuji Inouye: the mind’s eye. Tubbs RS, Kakati D, Chern JJ, Loukas M, Shoja M, Mortazavi MM, CohenGadolAA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Jan;28(1):147-50. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1418-9. Epub 2011 Mar 9. (Download PDF)
- Transumbilical approach for ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement in infants and small children: a 6-year experience. Tubbs RS, Azih LC, Mortazavi MM, Chern JJ, Hankinson T, Oakes WJ, Cohen-Gadol AA. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Feb;28(2):217-9. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1403-3. Epub 2011 Feb 1. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Persistent fetal intracranial arteries: a comprehensive review of anatomical and clinical significance. Tubbs RS, Verma K, Riech S, Mortazavi MM, Shoja MM, Loukas M, Cure JK, Zurada A, Cohen-Gadol AA. J Neurosurg. 2011 Apr;114(4):1127-34. doi: 10.3171/2010.11.JNS101527. Epub 2011 Jan 14. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Lateral cephaloceles: case-based update. Tubbs RS, Hogan E, Deep A, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, Oakes WJ. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Mar;27(3):345-7. doi: 10.1007/s00381-010-1354-0. Epub 2010 Dec 7. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Resection of deep brain stem lesion: Evolution of modern surgical techniques. Salman Abbasi Fard, Nimer Adeep, Mona Rezaei, Babak Kateb, Martin M. Mortazavi, The Journal of Neurobehavioral Sciences Year : 2016; 3(1);29-31.Doi Number : 10.5455/JNBS.1449860617. (Download PDF)
- Pediatric Chiari malformation Type 0: a 12-ear institutional experience. Chern JJ, Gordon AJ, Mortazavi MM, Tubbs RS, Oakes WJ. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2011 Jul;8(1):1-5. doi:10.3171/2011.4.PEDS10528.(Download PDF) (Citations)
- James Drake: Anatomist and political activist (1667-1707). Tubbs RS, Rompala O, Verma K, Malakpour M, Shoja MM, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M. Clin Anat. 2012 Apr;25(3):295-8. doi:10.1002/ca.21235. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- External Landmarks for Identifying the Drainage Site of the Vein of Labbé: Application to Neurosurgical Procedures. R. Shane Tubbs, PhD, Robert G. Louis, Jr., Young-Bin Song, Martin Mortazavi, Marios Loukas, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Aaron A. Cohen Gadol. Br J Neurosurg. 2012 Jun;26(3):383-5. doi:10.3109/02688697.2011.631620. Epub 2011 Nov 22. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Anterior Atlantodental Ligament: Its Anatomy and Potential Functional Significance. R. Shane Tubbs, Martin M. Mortazavi, Robert G. Louis, Marios Loukas, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Joshua J. Chern, Brion Benninger, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. World Neurosurg. 2012 May-Jun;77(5-6):775-7. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2011.09.048. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Zygomaticotemporal Nerve and Its Relevance to Neurosurgery. R. Shane Tubbs, Martin M. Mortazavi, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Marios Loukas, Aaron A. Cohen- Gadol. World Neurosurg. 2012 Feb;77(2):349-51. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2011.04.030. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Do Grossly Identifiable Ganglia Lie Along the Spinal Accessory Nerve? A Gross and Histologic Study with Potential Neurosurgical Significance. R. Shane Tubbs, Jeffrey R. Lancaster, Martin M. Mortazavi, Marios Loukas, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Eyas M. Hattab, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. World Neurosurg. 2012 Feb;77(2):349-51. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2011.04.030. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Anatomy and Pathology of the Cranial Emissary Veins: a Review with Surgical Implications. Martin M. Mortazavi, R. Shane Tubbs, Sheryl Riech, KetanVerma, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Anna Zurada, Marios Loukas, Aaron A. Cohen Gadol. Neurosurgery. 2012 May;70(5):1312-8; discussion 1318-9. doi: 10.1227/NEU.0b013e31824388f8. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Dorello Canal Revisited: An Observation That Potentially Explains the Frequency of Abducens Nerve Injury After Head Injury. R. Shane Tubbs, V. Radcliff , Mohammadali M. Shoja, RP, Robert P. Naftel, Martin M. Mortazavi, A. Zurada, Marius Loukas, Aaron Cohen-Gadol. World Neurosurg. 2012 Jan;77(1):119-21. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu.2011.03.046. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Analysis of the Uncinate Processes of the Cervical Spine: an Anatomical Study and Review of the Literature. R. Shane Tubbs, Olivia J. Rompala, Ketan Verma, Martin M. Mortazavi, Brion Benninger, Marios Loukas, M. Rene Chambers. J Neurosurg Spine. 2012 Apr;16(4):402-7. doi: 10.3171/2011.12.SPINE11541. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Sir Charles Bell (1774-1842) and His Contributions to Early Neurosurgery. R. Shane Tubbs, Sheryl Riech, KetanVerma, Martin Mortazavi, Marios Loukas, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Mar;28(3):331-5. doi: 10.1007/s00381-011-1666-8. (Download PDF)
- The Arcade of Struthers: an Anatomical Study with Potential Neurosurgical Significance. R. Shane Tubbs, Aman Deep, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Martin Mortazavi, Marios Loukas, Aaron A. Cohen Gadol. Surg Neurol Int. 2011; 2:184. Pub Med PMID: 22276238. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Use of the Triangle of Farabeuf for Neurovascular Procedures of the Neck. R. Shane Tubbs, Mark Rasmussen, Marios Loukas, Mohammadali Shoja, Martin M. Mortazavi, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. Biomedicine International 2011; 2: 39-42. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Cranial Dura Mater: A Review of its History, Embryology, and Anatomy. Nimer Adeeb, Martin M. Mortazavi, R. Shane Tubbs, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. Child’s Nervous System. Pub Med PMID: 22526439. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- A Single Center Experience with Eccentric Syringomyelia Found with Pediatric Chiari I Malformation. Nimer Adeeb, Martin M. Mortazavi, Mohammadali M. Shoja, R. Shane Tubbs, W. Jerry Oakes, Curtis J. Rozzelle. Child’s Nervous System. 2012 Nov. Pub Med PMID: 22534820. (Download PDF)
- The Nervus Intermedius: A Review of its Anatomy, Function, Pathology and its Role in Neurosurgery. R. Shane Tubbs, MS, PA-C, Dominik T. Steck, Martin M. Mortazavi, Aaron A. Cohen-Gadol. World Neurosurgery. 2012, Apr 3. Pub Med PMID: 22484073. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Andrew Fyfe the elder (1752(4)-1824): Not all good anatomists are good teachers. MA Shoja, Martin M. Mortazavi, Mehran Malakpour, Marios Loukas, Curtis J. Rozelle, R. Shane Tubbs. Clin Anatomy. 2012, May 10. Pub Med PMID: 22577000. (Download PDF)
- Giovanni Baptista Morgagni (1682-1771): His Anatomic Majesty’s Contributions to the Neurosciences. Childs Nervous System. R. Shane Tubbs, Dominik T. Steck, Martin M. Mortazavi, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Marios Loukas, Aaron, A. Cohen-Gadol. 2012 May 15. Pub Med PMID: 22585453. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Non-Pharmacological Experimental Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury: a Review. Martin M. Mortazavi, KetanVerma, R. Shane Tubbs, Nicholas Theodore. Child’s Nervous System. 2012 Aug 14. Pub Med PMID: 22890472. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Arachnoid: A Review on anatomy, embryology and neurosurgical applications. Nimer Adeeb, Martin Mortazavi, R. Shane Tubbs, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Aaron A. Cohen Gadol. Child’s Nervous System. 2013 Jan 29. Pub Med PMID: 22961357. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Gabrielle Fallopio and his significance for medicine. Martin M. Mortazavi, Basil Latif, KetanVerma, Aman Deep, Christoph Griessenauer, R. Shane Tubbs, Takanori Fukushima. Child’s Nervous System. June 2013, Volume 29, Issue 6, pp 877-880. COVER. (Download PDF)(Citations)
- Enlarged parietal foramina: a review of genetics, prognosis, radiology, and treatment. Griessenauer CJ, Veith P, Mortazavi MM, Stewart C, Grochowsky A, Loukas M, Tubbs RS. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Dec 4. Pub Med PMID: 23207976. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Heinrich Bircher (1850-1923) and the first description of a surgical approach to the cavernous sinus. Griessenauer CJ, Mortazavi MM, Loukas M, Shoja MM, Watanabe K, Tubbs RS. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Dec 8. Pub Med PMID: 23224359. (Download PDF)
- Hypoplastic occipital condyle and third occipital condyle: Review of their dysembryology. Tubbs RS, Lingo PR, Mortazavi MM, Cohen-Gadol AA. Clin Anat. 2013 Jan 21. Pub Med PMID: 23338989. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Pia: A Review on anatomy, embryology and neurosurgical applications. Nimer Adeeb, Martin Mortazavi, R. Shane Tubbs, Mohammadali M. Shoja, Aaron A. Cohen Gadol. Child’s Nervous System. 2013 Feb 5. Pub Med PMID: 23381008. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery on Long-term Clinical Outcome Part I: Patients with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, World Neurosurgery. Griessenauer CJ, Poston TL, Shoja MM, Mortazavi MM, Falola M, Tubbs RS, Fisher WS III: 2013 Mar 14. Pub Med PMID: 23500347. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Intracranial Aneurysm Surgery on Long-term Clinical Outcome Part II: The Patient who is Electively Clipped. Griessenauer CJ, Poston TL, Shoja MM, Mortazavi MM, Falola M, Tubbs RS, Fisher WS III: World Neurosurgery. 2013 Mar 14. Pub Med PMID: 23500344. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Intracranial bridging veins: A Comprehensive review of Anatomy, histology, embryology and surgical significance. Martin M. Mortazavi, Meghan Denning, R. Shane Tubbs. Childs Nerv Syst. 2013 Mar 2. Pub Med PMID: 23456236. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- Vein of Galen Malformations: A Comprehensive Review with proposal of a new classification system. Mortazavi MM, Griessenauer CJ, Foreman P, Bavarsad Shahripour R, Shoja MM, Rozzelle CJ, Tubbs RS, Fisher WS 3rd, Fukushima T. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2013 Sep;12(3):293-306. doi: 10.3171/2013.5.PEDS12587. Review. (Download PDF) (Citations)
- The Evolutionary Significance of the Pineal Gland, in press for publication in the book: Hypotheses in Clinical Medicine. Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, NY.
- Pediatric Cancer. Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis. Teratoid/Rhabdoid, Brain Tumors, and Gliomas. Chapter 17: “Pediatric Brain Tumor Biopsy or Resection: Use of Postoperative non-narcotic Analgesic Medication”. Publisher: Springer Inc. 2012. Volume 2. 179-182. (Download PDF)
- Pediatric Cancer. Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis. Teratoid/Rhabdoid, Brain Tumors, and Gliomas. Chapter 20: “Postoperative Pain in Children: Advantage of Using Non-narcotic Analgesic Regimen”. Publisher: Springer Inc. 2012. Volume 2. 207-210. (Download PDF)
- Treatment of Injured Spinal Cord: Engraftment of Neural Stem Cells. Stem cells and Cancer Stem Cells. Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury. Spinal Cord Repair. Chapter 4. Editor: Eric Hayet. Springer Inc. In press.(Download PDF)
- Locomotor Recovery after Spinal Cord Transection: Transplantation of Oligodendrocytes and Motor neuron Progenitors from Human Embryonic Stem Cells. Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells. Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury. Spinal Cord Repair. Chapter 4. Editor: Eric Hayet. Springer Inc. In press. (Download PDF)
- Spinal Cord Injury Engineering Using Neural Stem Cells. Stem Cells and Cancer Stem Cells. Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury. Spinal Cord Repair. Chapter 4. Editor: Eric Hayet. Springer Inc. In press.
- Mouse Model of Spinal Cord Injury: Neurons Derived from Transplanted Neural Stem Cells. Stem cells and Cancer Stem Cells. Therapeutic Applications in Disease and Injury. Spinal Cord Repair. Chapter 4. Editor: Eric Hayet. Springer Inc. In press.
- Variations of the Meninges. Variations in Human Anatomy. Editor: R. Shane Tubbs. Wiley Inc. In press. (Download PDF)
- Variations of the ear. Variations in Human Anatomy. Editor: R. Shane Tubbs. Wiley Inc. In press. (Download PDF)
- Variations of the Ventricles. Variations in Human Anatomy. Editor: R. Shane Tubbs. Wiley Inc. In press.
- Variations of the Subarachnoid Space. Variations in Human Anatomy Editor: R. Shane Tubbs. Wiley Inc. In press. (Download PDF)
- Olfactory Groove, Planum Sphenoidale and Tuberculum Sellae Meningiomas. Martin M. Mortazavi, Nimer Adeeb, Laligam N. Sekhar. Illustrative Atlas of Operative Neurosurgery. Editors: Sekhar Fessler. 2nd edition.
- Microsurgical Resection of Intraventriculuar Tumors. Illustrative Atlas of Operative. Martin M. Mortazavi, Nimer Adeeb, Richard G. Ellenbogen. Neurosurgery. Editors: Sekhar & Fessler. 2nd Edition.
- Neurovascular Photonics. Text book of Neuro Photonics and Brain Mapping.Nimer Adeeb, Babak kateb, Salman Abbais Fard, Martin M. Mortazavi. In press
- Neurological Aspects of Spinal Cord Tumors
- Surgical Nuances in Management of Intracranial Venous Sinus Injuries
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons in October 2011: HTS for treating raised intracranial pressure: a meta-analysis.
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons in October 2011: Does Clamping Time Effect Outcome in Elective Aneurysms?
- Congress of Neurological Surgeons in October 2011: Impact of Temporary Artery Occlusion during Aneurysm Surgery in Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Patients.
- Galbraith Annual Meeting, University of Alabama, Nov 2011: Hypertonic Saline for treatment if increased intracranial pressure.
- Children’s Hospital of Alabama, Oct 2011: Cerebral Proliferative Angiopathy: A New Entity.
- North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2012: External Landmarks for Identifying the Drainage Site of the Vein of Labbé: Application to Neurosurgical Procedures.
- North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2012: The Relationship Between The Superior Petrosal Sinus and Meckel’s Cave. An Anatomical Study.
- Southern Neurosurgical Society Annual Meeting March 2012, Amelia Island, Florida. HTS for treating raised intracranial pressure: a meta-analysis.
- North American Skull Base Society. Feb 2012. The Artery of Davidoff and Schechter: An Anatomical Study.
- North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2013: Neural Interconnections between Portio Minor and Portio Major at the Porus Trigeminus.
- University of Alabama. April 2012. Alabama. AVM and CPA
- University of Alabama. April 2012. Alabama. Medical and Surgical Management if Raised Intracranial Pressure.
- University of Alabama. April 2012. Alabama. Hypertonic Saline for Treating Raised Intracranial Pressure: A Meta-analysis.
- University of Alabama. May 2012. Alabama. Vein of Galen Aneurysmal Malformations: Proposal of a New Classification System.
- North American Skull Base Society, Feb 2013: Identification of a new segment of the Trochlear nerve.
- American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Pediatric. Annual Meeting Toronto, Dec 2014: Vein of Galen Malformations: Proposal of a New Classification System.
- Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics Annual Congress, Los Angeles, March 7, 2015: Vein of Galen Malformations: Proposal of a New Classification System.
- University of Alabama at Birmingham, Gallbraith Annual Meeting, November 6th, 2015: Resection of Deep Brain Stem Cavernous Malformations: Technical Nuances.
- G20 world Mapping meeting: Turkey, Nov 13-15th, 2015: Modern Technical Nuances for Resection of Deep Brain Stem Lesions.
- World Federation of Neurological Surgeons, April 2016: Modern Technical Nuances for Resection of Brain Stem Lesions.
- 13th World Congress of Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT), Miami, March 7, 2016: Modern Concepts for Resection of Deep Brain Stem Lesions through Safe Entry Zones: A critical review of the literature.
- 2016 CNS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 24-28 September, Streptococcus Mitis Causing Retroclival and Pan-Spinal Subdural Empyema: A Rare Case Report and Review of the Literature, Digital poster #1396
- 2016 CNS Annual Meeting, San Diego, California 24-28 September, Access to Deep Brain Stem Lesions Through Safe Entry Zones; A Critical Review Of The Literature. Digital poster #1484
- 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Falxuplication: A novel method of wrap clipping of fusiform anterior cerebral artery aneurysm, Digital poster #
- 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Current Concepts for Surgical Resection of Pituitary Adenoma: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Digital poster #
- 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Cranial Osteomyelitis: A Comprehensive Review of the Current Concepts of Treatment. Digital poster #
- 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Modern Concepts for Resection of Deep Brain Stem Lesions through Safe Entry Zones: A critical review of the literature. Digital poster #
- 85th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, 22-26 April 2017. Controversies in Prophylactic Antibiotic Management of Traumatic Open Skull Fractures. Digital poster #
- 70th Annual American Academy of Neurology Meeting 2018: Pre-existing Cardiac Thrombus in Patient of Acute Ischemic Stroke with Large Vessel Occlusion.
- 70th Annual American Academy of Neurology Meeting 2018: Transthoracic Echocardiogram v/s Transesophageal Echocardiogram in Identification of Intracardiac Thrombus in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.
- AANS/CNS Joint Cerebrovascular Annual Meeting 2018: Falxuplication, a Novel Method for Wrap-Clipping a Fusiform Aneurysm.
- CIN Neuroscience Symposium, Mar 2018: Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Cerebral Aneurysms.
- CIN Neuroscience Symposium, Mar 2018: Surgical Management of Arteriovenous Malformations and Dural Fistulas.
- CIN Neuroscinece Symposium, Mar 2018: Surgical Management of Spine Trauma.
- CIN Neuroscinece Symposium, Mar 2018: Current Concepts and Management of Brain Tumors.
- Society of Brain Mapping and Therapeutics, April 2018: The Subarachnoid Trabeculae: Surgical Significance and A Recent Research Update.
- Seattle Science Foundation. June 2018: Current Concepts of Complex Brain Surgery.
- Seattle Science Foundation. June 2018: Cadaveric Skull Base Course: Modified Orbitozygomatic Approach.
- West Hills Hospital, July 2018: Management of subarachnoid Hemorrhage.